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High School Seniors

Scholarship Applicant Requirements:

  • The applicant must be one of the following:

  1. The dependent child of an Active Duty/AGR (Active Guard/Reserve) U.S. military sponsor assigned or attached to Fort Knox.

  2. The dependent child of a deceased or retired member of the U.S. Military Forces residing in the Fort Knox area.*

  3. A child residing in the Fort Knox area* who is the dependent of an Active Duty/AGR U.S. military sponsor.


  • All applicants must be high school graduates of the current academic year, as indicated by the following:

  1. Hold a high school equivalency certificate.

  2. Graduate before the end of the year in which the scholarship is awarded.

  3. Graduate an accredited home school program of the year the scholarship is awarded.


  • The applicant must be accepted by an accredited institution of higher learning (e.g., college, vocational, or correspondence) or expect to be accepted by such an institution for their first undergraduate degree.


  • Disclaimer- if an applicant receives a scholarship that covers full tuition, books, and room and board, then their scholarship will be forfeited. In the case of applicants who are accepted to Service Academies, the scholarship from FKSCC will be limited to the amount of any small fee charged to the student up-front (such as a technology fee). Items covered by cadet pay while at the Service Academy do not count as small fees charged to the student up-front. 


*The Fort Knox area shall heretofore be identified as Fort Knox Housing and/or Breckinridge, Bullitt, Grayson, Hardin, Jefferson, Larue, Meade, Nelson, Spencer, and Washington Counties in Kentucky as well as Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Indiana.


The application is a Google Form, which you will not be able to save or edit after starting. All application information is being provided to you now so that you can prepare your answers in advance. 


Please have the following information ready before beginning your application.

  • Information on the military sponsor to include name and status. Proof of status must be uploaded or emailed. All documents should be redacted to remove Social Security Numbers and any dates of birth other than the applicant's (examples of proof of status include a copy of the orders assigning the Military Sponsor to Fort Knox, the Sponsor's DD Form 214 or Retirement Orders, or DD Form 1300 for families of deceased Service Members).

  • Student information to include name, date of birth, email address, phone number, residential address, and county of residence. 

  • Preferred parent contact information to include name, address, phone number, and email address. 

  • List of High Schools attended with dates of attendance. 

  • List colleges, universities, or vocational schools you have been accepted to, or from which you are awaiting a decision.

  • What degree or program do you plan to complete? (Field of Study)

  • Information on items you accomplished during high school (the summer between 8th and 9th grade counts as during High School). Entries should not be abbreviated. 

    • Some items may fall into more than one category and can be listed in more than one location. For example, If you are a member of the National Honor Society and you volunteered at Feeding America to submit for required volunteer hours, then National Honor Society can be listed as an Extracurricular activity and Feeding America can be listed as Unpaid service. 

    • Extracurricular Activities: any activities that you completed outside of regular school work. Please remember that anything you did as part of your regular course work does not count as an extracurricular. For example, ribbons or awards earned during JROTC class are not extracurricular (they may count as honors and awards), nor is participating in a play that was put on by your Drama class. Joining the Color Guard or being part of a School-wide play would both count as extracurricular. Extracurricular information should be formatted to include the activity name and the year(s) you participated (example: National Honor Society: 9th - 12th grade). 

    • Honors or awards and leadership positions during High School. If you received an award more than once, please list it as a separate entry. Please keep in mind that this category includes anything that you were elected, selected, or chosen for. (Examples: Honor Roll, Student of the Month, Good Citizenship Award.) Please include the title, when earned, and what grade you were in. Examples: All A-Honor Roll, Fort Knox High School - January 2024. 11th Grade or Captain, Fort Knox HS Volleyball team - August 2023- present. 11th-12th Grade). 

    • Service (paid or unpaid): This category includes any service you performed as a paid activity or as a volunteer. Please list the organization (if applicable), what role you performed, the dates, the frequency, how many total hours of service you performed, and if it was paid or unpaid (Examples: Ramstein High School, Peer Tutor, October 2021-May 2022. Twice per week for 8 months, 56 hours total (unpaid) or Babysitting, June 2021-Present. Once or twice a month for 4 years, 125 hours total (paid)). 

    • Any extenuating circumstances you think the selection committee should be aware of. 

  • The writing sample will consist of two questions. 

    • Question 1:  Please tell us about yourself. In your own words, please share what achievements, personality traits, skills, and experiences make you an ideal candidate for this scholarship. Minimum word count: 100. Maximum word count: 150. 

    • Question 2: Select one of the following three prompts and respond. Minimum word count 200. Maximum word count 300. 

      • Prompt 1: Describe your biggest mistake and what you learned from it.

      • Prompt 2: Describe a time when you went above and beyond on a task.

      • Prompt 3: Tell me about a personal achievement that makes you proud. 

  • Upload or email a copy of your UNWEIGHTED High School transcript. 

  • Upload a copy of your headshot to be used for publicity purposes should you be selected to receive a scholarship. 




If you have any questions about the application, please contact Meghan at



Applications will be accepted from February 1, 2025 to March 1, 2025!


Applications will be accepted from February 1, 2025 to March 1, 2025!​​​​

Click the links below to access the required application:





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