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Membership Options

Half Price Membership for January!

We offer 3 membership options listed below.  All plans expire on May 31, 2025.

Rank E1 - E6  now $7.50!

Individual membership for those with a rank of E1-E6 or their Spouse.

Individual -now $15!

Individual Memberships for all others.

Couples Membership - $25!


Membership for you and your spouse.

Step 1:  Fill out this form

Membership Information (please fill out all fields)

Please fill out the following information if purchasing a couples membership

I am interested in the following sub-clubs: (You may choose more than one)
I am interested in volunteering for: (You may choose more than one)

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up to date information on upcoming club events, sub-club meetings, fundraisers, and what we are up to!  Sub-Clubs are run as facebook groups (you must be a paid member  and answer the questions to join these groups).  Members will receive a monthly email which may include invitations to events.  Please be sure to add us to your contacts so that our emails do not go to spam!  

Members of the Fort Knox Spouses and Community Club agree to the following...

FKSCC Reservations Policy


The deadline for making and canceling reservations is 10 calendar days before each event/mixers. If a member fails to cancel a reservation prior to the deadline, the member will be responsible for the full price of the event. This applies to all reservations. Reservations are nontransferable. In addition, individuals are responsible for bank fees due to returned checks for insufficient funds.

FKSCC Photography & Social Media Consent


Members grant FKSCC and its representatives permission to use and/or publish photographs or videos of themselves in print, electronically, and on social media. 

Members opt in to receiving reminder texts. 

FKSCC Membership Recommendation


As an FKSCC Member, upon joining the organization or renewing membership, members are encouraged to read the constitution and bylaws.

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